The texts published by the individual authors reflect only their opinions and not those of the editors and publishing platforms
Author: Katja Dorothea Buck, Schneller Magazin
Place: Lebanon
Class: Text
Subject: Society
Date: 23.12.2020
Language: English
Title: Quo vadis, Lebanon?

Quo vadis, Lebanon?

The beautiful country of Lebanon is experiencing a multiple crisis of historic proportions. For this, we have dedicated the latest issue of Schneller Magazine to the people in Lebanon. As we think, that those who live in a country can best tell us about the situation, we have asked only Lebanese authors to contribute to this issue. You may find articles by young people, senior citizens, people with disabilities, experts in education, dialogue and ecumenism. All are living in Lebanon and from their perspective they all answer the same question: Quo vadis, Lebanon?
The answers are interesting, astonishing and very helpful to understand better. On the one hand, it becomes clear how deeply all age groups and social classes feel unsecure. But it gets also clear how high the hopes for a better future are. There are ideas and visions for a new Lebanon that can lead not only the small country on the eastern Mediterranean into better times…
Follow this link to read the whole Schneller Magazine with its topic: Quo vadis, Lebanon?
Katja Dorothea Buck is a journalist for religion and politics and an advisory board member of the Central Council. As a guest author, we will refer to her publications in various media from time to time.
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